- 1655 MAR 25
Titan dicovered - 1979 SEP 02
First ever close-up picture taken - 1997 OCT 15
Cassini-Huygens launches - 2004 MAY 20
Best resolution picture to-date - 2004 JUL 01
Cassini-Huygens reaches Saturn - 2005 JAN 14
Huygens lands on Titan - 2010 FEB 03
NASA extends mission - 2017 to Come
Cassini's exploration ends - 2017 and Beyond
Future missions
Huygens entered Titan's atmosphere at 09:06 UTC and had landed softly on its surface about two hours later. This was confirmed by the reception of the carrier wave emitted by the probe during its descent and touchdown.

At 16:19 UTC the Cassini orbiter started to relay to Earth the scientific data received from the probe. The first picture was released at 19:45 UTC, showing a view from about 16 km above the surface. A second picture taken from the probe at rest on the surface was released a short time later. Analysis of the data is ongoing.