
Project Statement

In this assignment I was supposed to create a narrative website about any topic we chose to, and I chose to do my narrative about the life of Leonardo Da Vinci. In this narrative I wrote a brief narrative tour of Da Vinci's life, made gallery of some of his most famous pieces, and made a gallery of his inventions. I chose to do my narrative about Da Vinci because I liked the idea of trying to trace someone's life through a website and I was interested in learning more about Da Vinci, who is one of my favorite artists. This was the first side scrolling site that I made which brought several new challenges. Since this website was basically sideways I had to learn how to use the float property properly to make all of the information line up neatly, and learned to use the width property to keep a uniform design in the site. All of the different pages on the site are different lengths which challenged me to come up with creative ways solve this problem. I was also challenged by the link that returns you to the beginning of the pages. In the beginning I couldn't get the link where I wanted it and the float property wasn't useful, because it made the header appear cluttered. In the end I defeated this challenge by using the absolute positioning property, which I used to position the link at the end of the page. Finally, spent quite a bit of time cropping images to get all of the photos at the same height for smooth transitions. In the end I was very happy with the result of the site and felt accomplished because I had beaten every challenge this website issued.

Self Portrait