Skrollr Tutorial cont.
Ready for round 2?
So far we have learned how Skrollr works, some basic transitions and ways to implement color changes.
Now we are going to learn about some of the other things you can manipulate using Skrollr.
Using Skrollr, you can not only animate images
But also GIFs
And even videos.
Google Maps
You can also do some pretty snazzy things by implementing the Google Maps API. For example...
Horizontal Scroll
Lastly, it is worth mentioning that if you feel like vertical scroll is not your style, you can also do everything we just learned with horizontal scroll instead.
With Skrollr you can make almost anything happen, like a crazy alien abduction!
Did you make it? Okay, great!
Congrats! You just finished the Skrollr tutorial. For more help and cool Skrollr tricks, check out the resources below.